Safe and Inclusive tennis
We are committed to providing a caring friendly and safe environment for all our members so they can play tennis in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. To achieve this we work in partnership with our committee, members and users who support and adhere to the policies procedures and codes of conduct set out in this pledge.
The committees and staff, along with all our members:-
Actively promote the safety and well being of all children, young people, and adults at risk, Respect the feelings, views and beliefs of everyone and welcome the diversity of each individual Acknowledge and show appreciation of those who make contributions to the club Value volunteers and members and provide on-going support to them Have a welfare officer who has the appropriate knowledge and skill set for the role Encourage and follow fair play values Ensure safety and best practise by adhering to the following LTA policies and guidance Equality and diversity Policy Accident and emergency Information Recording and Publishing Images of Children and Young People Risk assessment Policy and Feedback Comments and complaints A copy of the aforementioned policies and procedures is to be found in our tennis mark folder, held in the lobby or at www.lta.org.uk/safeguarding.
Our members and users
Respect and adhere to the policies and procedures
Raise concerns about the safety and well being of Children Young People and adults at risk with the welfare officer. A copy of the forms for reporting concerns is to be found and in the Perspex forms box in the entrance lobby with more available behind the bar A form should be completed as soon as possible then given in a sealed envelope to the welfare officer or committee member and be kept securely in a safe.
We have read understood and actively promote the above policies. We will continue to promote safety and well being by investigating any complaints or reports of poor procedure, behaviour or actions by members that contravene that set out in the above guidance policies and procedures. We will investigate according to our complaints procedures and consult where required with the LTA safeguarding team to find acceptable solutions. Should any Child Young Person or vulnerable adult be at risk of significant harm we would report this to the LTA safeguarding team.
Tackling homophobia and transphobia in sport.
The charter for action by HM Government
1) We believe that everyone should be able to take part in and enjoy sport whoever they are and whatever their background.
2) We believe that sport is about fairness and equality, respect and dignity. Sport teaches individuals how to strive and succeed, how to cope with success and disappointment, and brings people together with a common goal.
3) We are committed to making these values a reality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. We will work together, and individually, to rid sport of homophobia and transphobia.
4) We will make sport a welcome place for everyone – for those participating in sport, those attending sporting events and for those working or volunteering in sports at any level. We will work with all these groups to ensure they have a voice, and to challenge unacceptable behaviour
SAFEGUARDING is everyone’s responsibility: Not Reporting a SAFEGUARDING CONCERN IS NOT AN OPTION.
The DLTC welfare officer is David Osborne photo below and phone number. Home 0208 395 6823 If he cannot be contacted please contact in order of preference.
The LTA Safeguarding and Protection Committee for advice and guidance 0208 487 7000 safeandinclusive@lta.org.uk
Sutton Borough Council Children’s Services Local Authority Designated Officer LADO Sima Hirani 0208 770 4776. (If the LADO or duty LADO is busy when you call and out of office hours, your call will be diverted to Business Support colleagues who can take a message) By email:LADO@sutton.gov.uk.
Authority Adult Services Sutton Adult Safeguarding Team 0208 770 4224
e-mail Referralpoint@sutton.gov.uk.
The police in an emergency (999).
For general advice contact NSPCC Child protection in Sport 0116234 7278 www.thecpsu.org.uk
Or use the NSPCC free child line number 08001111 or web page www.childline.org.uk